Parking Lot Philosophy

If the same problem is reached by two different means, should the solving of it any different?Consider two different people driving two different cars, arriving in a parking lot. The first person is a wealthy older man, driving an expensive car who intentionally parks in the middle of two parking spaces.The second person is a hurried young mother, two children in tow, who accidentally parks her van too far over in one parking space for the next one to be accessable.Both of these people have caused the same problem - a parking space is blocked. My reaction to seeing them was different, because of their intent and context of the situation.If someone needed that blocked parking space, it wouldn't matter to them the circumstances of why its unavailable. Is it human nature to resent the wealthy guy, but not the mother?Should people who break the rules on purpose be treated differently than people who break the rules by accident?Does the establishment of rules imply that there is no such thing as an accident, and that a person should be paying such close attention to the rules at all times that they should never be in a situation that would allow them to be broken?Should we all just ride bicycles?


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